Government, KHA, and KMDF signed MOU on the 1st for the development of medical device industry



Government, KHA, and KMDF signed MOU on the 1st for the development of medical device industry

by Yoon Soo Choi | Report entered on 1 Oct. 2021 [16:35 p.m.]

Korea Medical Device Development Fund (hereinafter “KMDF,” headed by Beop Min Kim) and Korean Hospital Association (hereinafter “KHA,” chaired by Young Ho Jeong) announced on the 1st that they signed an MOU to support medical device industry development and improvement in national healthcare and medical service.


This MOU is significant because it can assist the medical device industry to grow by supporting the entire medical device research and development cycle and nurturing the medical device industry.


Key areas of the MOU include ▲cooperation in planning, R&D utilization, and performance boost for medical devices, ▲exchanging information related to R&D and expansion of medical devices, ▲cooperation to increase exhibitions and academic events and customers to develop Korean medical devices, and ▲cooperation for better business outcomes.


The KMDF will provide medical device information and achievements obtained through the support it receives with regard to research and development, clinical trial, certification, and commercialization to the KHA, which shall cooperate to facilitate the distribution of those devices across its member hospitals and clinics.


In addition, by holding regular council meetings on a quarterly basis, the parties will review measures for cooperation between the two sides and share their achievements.


The two organizations expect the MOU to have a significant impact on the healthcare and medical device industry by establishing a system for research planning and development and for facilitating assistance in developing Korean-made medical devices.


Reps from both organizations pledged that “We will work closely together to contribute to the expansion of Korean medical devices and the development of the medical device industry.”


Meanwhile, the KMDF has held a seminar under the theme of “facilitating the introduction of domestic medical devices to achieve win-win cooperation for revitalizing innovative medical devices” with support from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS).


The seminar began with an introduction to the “support program for expedited commercialization of advanced medical devices” by Seung Hwan Jeong, a researcher at the Advanced Medical Device Department of the MFDS followed by presentations such as: ▲“Innovative Medical Device and Korea Medical Device Development Fund R&D Project platform K&P” by Tae Hyung Kim, head of the Commercialization Support Division, ▲“Innovative Medical Device Demonstration Support Center and Measures to Expand Use of Korean Innovative Medical Devices” by Jung Min Jang, professor at Seoul National University College of Medicine, ▲“YONSEI Support for Demonstration of innovative medical devices” by Sung Wook Goo from the Yonsei University College of Medicine, ▲“Development and Challenge of Innovative Medical Device” by Seon Il Seo, CEO of Neurosona Co., Ltd., and ▲“Innovative Medical Device Revo-i” by Ho Kun Lee, executive vice president of meerecompany Co., Ltd.

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