meerecompany succeeded in the very first supply of Revo-i, a laparoscopic surgery robot, to a domestic representative public medical institution



meerecompany succeeded in the very first supply of Revo-i, a laparoscopic surgery robot, to a domestic representative public medical institution

meerecompany supplies Revo-i, a laparoscopic surgery robot, to the Korea Cancer Center Hospital. With this first supply of Revo-i to a public medical institution at the general hospital level, it is expected that surgery references for a greater variety of indications will rapidly grow.


수술로봇 '레보아이'를 시연하고 있는 비뇨의학과 송강현 박사(사진제공: 원자력의학원)

The Korea Cancer Center Hospital, founded in 1963, is the first domestic cancer-specialized hospital affiliated with the Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences run by the Ministry of Science and ICT. This hospital plays a pivotal role in promoting public health and well-being, and it was selected as a "World Best Hospital" by US Newsweek, a world-class news magazine, for 3 years in a row, including "World Best Hospital 2021." In particular, it has proven to be the domestic best cancer-specialized hospital since it has achieved Grade 1 for breast cancer for 7 years in a row, as well as for gastric cancer for 5 years in a row, in the cancer medical care appropriateness evaluation by the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service.


The Korea Cancer Center Hospital has already established modern infra facilities for robotic surgery, such as a surgical robot operation room, and has medical staff who are skilled in robotic surgery techniques for multiple fields, including urology, ENT, cardiothoracic surgery, and ob-gyn. Specifically, Gang Hyeon Song, head of the ob-gyn Division, and Myeong Cheol Lee, head of the ENT Division, has completed the robotic surgery training organized by the US Stanford University School of Medicine and also participated in cooperativee robotic surgery research and development, thus obtaining sufficient experience and expertise in surgical robot techniques.


By supplying Revo-i, a laparoscopic surgery robot, to the Korea Cancer Center Hospital equipped with the world's top-level cancer treatment specialists and infra, meerecompany is expecting to make its excellence more widely known by using accumulated clinical data on various indications. It is also planning to facilitate qualitative growth of the surgical robot industry through product development based on the medical staff's feedback.


Revo-i, the first domestically developed laparoscopic surgery robot, was designated as "Innovative Medical Device No. 10" by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in May, being recognized for its excellence and cutting-edge technology in the medical robot technology field. It also secured clinical safety and reliability based on successful additional clinical research performed in high-difficulty cancer surgery fields, including the Urology, Hepatopancreaticobiliary Surgery, and Colorectal Surgery Divisions of Severance Hospital.


“It is greatly inspiring to us in the surgical robot industry that we have introduced Revo-i to the Korea Cancer Center Hospital,” said Joon Koo Kim, CEO of meerecompany. “We will be committed to providing all the required support, from training to maintenance, so that more patients can benefit from better medical services with robotic surgery using Revo-i in the Korea Cancer Center Hospital," he added.


He also said, "We will more develop the surgery equipment based on clinical data and feedback from robotic surgeries on cancers and more in the Korea Cancer Center Hospital. We'll then take the lead in establishing an appropriate cost standard for using robotic surgeries so that our product can be used and trusted by more medical professionals and patients." He showed his aspirations and declared his “commitment to also introducing the product to other tertiary general hospitals based on such new references.”

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