meerecompany drew attention of domestic and foreign stakeholders to the training program of the laparoscopic surgery robot Revo-i in 2022 KIMES



meerecompany drew attention of domestic and foreign stakeholders to the training program of the laparoscopic surgery robot Revo-i in 2022 KIMES

meerecompany (CEO: Joon Koo Kim) said it participated in the "2022 Korea International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show (hereafter referred to as 2022 KIMES)" held in COEX, Seoul, from 10th to 13th March.


"Revo-i," a laparoscopic surgery robot developed with unique domestic technology, as a successful example of domestic commercialization, features great benefits, such as the clear view of the intraperitoneal surgery site with a 3D high-resolution stereoscopic image and free movement based on multi-joint devices. Since its launching in the country, it has secured clinical safety and reliability based on successful additional clinical research performed in high-difficulty cancer surgery fields, including Urology, Hepatopancreaticobiliary Surgery and Colorectal Surgery Divisions of the Severance Hospital. Also, Revo-i was introduced to the "Korea Surgical Robot Training Center" of the Yonsei University Health System, establishing an environment to provide the Revo-i training program and promptly upgrade the product performance based on doctors' feedback.


The Korea Surgical Robot Training Center established in the Avison BioMedical Research Center, Yonsei University Health System, plays an important role in fostering future talent to lead domestic surgical robots and spreading and improving domestic medical devices. Furthermore, it has an open medical device co-R&D network platform in place based on its intellectual property, such as technological ideas and know-how related to surgical robots, contributing to the improvement of domestic surgical robots so that they reach a world-class standard.


meerecompany managed its own booth in the "Korea Surgical Robot Training Center Exhibit Hall" for 2022 KIMES. “We introduced the training program for Revo-i, the domestic laparoscopic surgery robot, to the 'Korea Surgical Robot Training Center Exhibit Hall' and received positive feedback on the systematic training program for Revo-i from the government personnel, as well as domestic and foreign medical professionals,” said a staff member of meerecompany.


"At this time, the need for more active domestic training on surgical robots through education and training program development is increasing with the recent growth of interest in surgical robots. That's why we're grateful for the good feedback by domestic and foreign medical professionals on our education and training program for Revo-i, which we presented through the 'Korea Surgical Robot Training Center Exhibit Hall' in 2022 KIMES," said Ho Kun Lee, executive director and head of the Surgical Robot Industry Division of meerecompany.


“Starting from the introduction of our product last November to the Korea Cancer Center Hospital, a domestic general hospital, we are planning to run various marketing strategies this year to introduce our product to hospitals that specialize in specific, high-difficulty surgeries that our competitors can't easily approach, as well as more tertiary general hospitals.

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